779 of 964 ZONA/2022_04_26   Apr 28, 2022 Mesa, Arizona   ZMESA/2022_04_29 781 of 964
(Killdeer) standing
Charadrius vociferus
inaturalist ebird
(Gila Woodpecker) male dorsal
Gila Woodpecker
Melanerpes uropygialis
inaturalist ebird
(Gila Woodpecker) male lateral
Gila Woodpecker
Melanerpes uropygialis
inaturalist ebird
(Gila Woodpecker) male ventral
Gila Woodpecker
Melanerpes uropygialis
inaturalist ebird
(Pallid-winged Grasshopper) lateral
Pallid-winged Grasshopper
Trimerotropis pallidipennis
(Pallid-winged Grasshopper) male
Pallid-winged Grasshopper
Trimerotropis pallidipennis

Biotic species by taxon: Land Birds, Water Birds, Grasshoppers

Peter 2.0 root Root 6 photos this page; 1 new species iNaturalist project iNaturalist project  album: Southeast 2022
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0